13 research outputs found

    Evaluation of innovative computer-assisted transcription and translation strategies for video lecture repositories

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    Nowadays, the technology enhanced learning area has experienced a strong growth with many new learning approaches like blended learning, flip teaching, massive open online courses, and open educational resources to complement face-to-face lectures. Specifically, video lectures are fast becoming an everyday educational resource in higher education for all of these new learning approaches, and they are being incorporated into existing university curricula around the world. Transcriptions and translations can improve the utility of these audiovisual assets, but rarely are present due to a lack of cost-effective solutions to do so. Lecture searchability, accessibility to people with impairments, translatability for foreign students, plagiarism detection, content recommendation, note-taking, and discovery of content-related videos are examples of advantages of the presence of transcriptions. For this reason, the aim of this thesis is to test in real-life case studies ways to obtain multilingual captions for video lectures in a cost-effective way by using state-of-the-art automatic speech recognition and machine translation techniques. Also, we explore interaction protocols to review these automatic transcriptions and translations, because unfortunately automatic subtitles are not error-free. In addition, we take a step further into multilingualism by extending our findings and evaluation to several languages. Finally, the outcomes of this thesis have been applied to thousands of video lectures in European universities and institutions.Hoy en día, el área del aprendizaje mejorado por la tecnología ha experimentado un fuerte crecimiento con muchos nuevos enfoques de aprendizaje como el aprendizaje combinado, la clase inversa, los cursos masivos abiertos en línea, y nuevos recursos educativos abiertos para complementar las clases presenciales. En concreto, los videos docentes se están convirtiendo rápidamente en un recurso educativo cotidiano en la educación superior para todos estos nuevos enfoques de aprendizaje, y se están incorporando a los planes de estudios universitarios existentes en todo el mundo. Las transcripciones y las traducciones pueden mejorar la utilidad de estos recursos audiovisuales, pero rara vez están presentes debido a la falta de soluciones rentables para hacerlo. La búsqueda de y en los videos, la accesibilidad a personas con impedimentos, la traducción para estudiantes extranjeros, la detección de plagios, la recomendación de contenido, la toma de notas y el descubrimiento de videos relacionados son ejemplos de las ventajas de la presencia de transcripciones. Por esta razón, el objetivo de esta tesis es probar en casos de estudio de la vida real las formas de obtener subtítulos multilingües para videos docentes de una manera rentable, mediante el uso de técnicas avanzadas de reconocimiento automático de voz y de traducción automática. Además, exploramos diferentes modelos de interacción para revisar estas transcripciones y traducciones automáticas, pues desafortunadamente los subtítulos automáticos no están libres de errores. Además, damos un paso más en el multilingüismo extendiendo nuestros hallazgos y evaluaciones a muchos idiomas. Por último, destacar que los resultados de esta tesis se han aplicado a miles de vídeos docentes en universidades e instituciones europeas.Hui en dia, l'àrea d'aprenentatge millorat per la tecnologia ha experimentat un fort creixement, amb molts nous enfocaments d'aprenentatge com l'aprenentatge combinat, la classe inversa, els cursos massius oberts en línia i nous recursos educatius oberts per tal de complementar les classes presencials. En concret, els vídeos docents s'estan convertint ràpidament en un recurs educatiu quotidià en l'educació superior per a tots aquests nous enfocaments d'aprenentatge i estan incorporant-se als plans d'estudi universitari existents arreu del món. Les transcripcions i les traduccions poden millorar la utilitat d'aquests recursos audiovisuals, però rara vegada estan presents a causa de la falta de solucions rendibles per fer-ho. La cerca de i als vídeos, l'accessibilitat a persones amb impediments, la traducció per estudiants estrangers, la detecció de plagi, la recomanació de contingut, la presa de notes i el descobriment de vídeos relacionats són un exemple dels avantatges de la presència de transcripcions. Per aquesta raó, l'objectiu d'aquesta tesi és provar en casos d'estudi de la vida real les formes d'obtenir subtítols multilingües per a vídeos docents d'una manera rendible, mitjançant l'ús de tècniques avançades de reconeixement automàtic de veu i de traducció automàtica. A més a més, s'exploren diferents models d'interacció per a revisar aquestes transcripcions i traduccions automàtiques, puix malauradament els subtítols automàtics no estan lliures d'errades. A més, es fa un pas més en el multilingüisme estenent els nostres descobriments i avaluacions a molts idiomes. Per últim, destacar que els resultats d'aquesta tesi s'han aplicat a milers de vídeos docents en universitats i institucions europees.Valor Miró, JD. (2017). Evaluation of innovative computer-assisted transcription and translation strategies for video lecture repositories [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/90496TESI

    Diseño de un portal web para la promoción de la empresa Kokoh Investigación, S.L. utilizando tecnología Ajax

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    Valor Miró, JD. (2010). Diseño de un portal web para la promoción de la empresa Kokoh Investigación, S.L. utilizando tecnología Ajax. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/16754.Archivo delegad

    Assisted Transcription of Video Lectures

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    [EN] Study of the supervision process of video lectures transciption automatically[ES] Estudio del proceso de supervisión de transcipción de videos educativos generados automaticamente.Valor Miró, JD. (2013). Assisted Transcription of Video Lectures. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/39552Archivo delegad

    Efficiency and usability study of innovative computer-aided transcription strategies for video lecture repositories

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    [EN] Video lectures are widely used in education to support and complement face-to-face lectures. However, the utility of these audiovisual assets could be further improved by adding subtitles that can be exploited to incorporate added-value functionalities such as searchability, accessibility, translatability, note-taking, and discovery of content-related videos, among others. Today, automatic subtitles are prone to error, and need to be reviewed and post-edited in order to ensure that what students see on-screen are of an acceptable quality. This work investigates different user interface design strategies for this post-editing task to discover the best way to incorporate automatic transcription technologies into large educational video repositories. Our three-phase study involved lecturers from the Universitat Polite`cnica de Vale`ncia (UPV) with videos available on the poliMedia video lecture repository, which is currently over 10,000 video objects. Simply by conventional post-editing automatic transcriptions users almost reduced to half the time that would require to generate the transcription from scratch. As expected, this study revealed that the time spent by lecturers reviewing automatic transcriptions correlated directly with the accuracy of said transcriptions. However, it is also shown that the average time required to perform each individual editing operation could be precisely derived and could be applied in the definition of a user model. In addition, the second phase of this study presents a transcription review strategy based on confidence measures (CM) and compares it to the conventional post-editing strategy. Finally, a third strategy resulting from the combination of that based on CM with massive adaptation techniques for automatic speech recognition (ASR), achieved to improve the transcription review efficiency in comparison with the two aforementioned strategies. 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under Grant agreement no. 287755 (transLectures) and ICT Policy Support Programme (ICT PSP/2007-2013) as part of the Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme (CIP) under Grant agreement no. 621030 (EMMA), and the Spanish MINECO Active2Trans (TIN2012-31723) research project.Valor Miró, JD.; Silvestre Cerdà, JA.; Civera Saiz, J.; Turró Ribalta, C.; Juan Císcar, A. (2015). Efficiency and usability study of innovative computer-aided transcription strategies for video lecture repositories. Speech Communication. 74:65-75. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.specom.2015.09.006S65757

    Integrating a State-of-the-Art ASR System into the Opencast Matterhorn Platform

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    [EN] In this paper we present the integration of a state-of-the-art ASR system into the Opencast Matterhorn platform, a free, open-source platform to support the management of educational audio and video content. The ASR system was trained on a novel large speech corpus, known as poliMedia, that was manually transcribed for the European project transLectures. This novel corpus contains more than 115 hours of transcribed speech that will be available for the research community. Initial results on the poliMedia corpus are also reported to compare the performance of different ASR systems based on the linear interpolation of language models. To this purpose, the in-domain poliMedia corpus was linearly interpolated with an external large-vocabulary dataset, the well-known Google N-Gram corpus. WER figures reported denote the notable improvement over the baseline performance as a result of incorporating the vast amount of data represented by the Google N-Gram corpus.The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement no 287755. Also supported by the Spanish Government (MIPRCV ”Consolider Ingenio 2010” and iTrans2 TIN2009-14511) and the Generalitat Valenciana (Prometeo/2009/014).Valor Miró, JD.; Pérez González De Martos, AM.; Civera Saiz, J.; Juan Císcar, A. (2012). Integrating a State-of-the-Art ASR System into the Opencast Matterhorn Platform. Communications in Computer and Information Science. 328:237-246. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-35292-8_25S237246328UPVLC, XEROX, JSI-K4A, RWTH, EML, DDS: transLectures: Transcription and Translation of Video Lectures. In: Proc. of EAMT, p. 204 (2012)Zhan, P., Ries, K., Gavalda, M., Gates, D., Lavie, A., Waibel, A.: JANUS-II: towards spontaneous Spanish speech recognition 4, 2285–2288 (1996)Nogueiras, A., Fonollosa, J.A.R., Bonafonte, A., Mariño, J.B.: RAMSES: El sistema de reconocimiento del habla continua y gran vocabulario desarrollado por la UPC. In: VIII Jornadas de I+D en Telecomunicaciones, pp. 399–408 (1998)Huang, X., Alleva, F., Hon, H.W., Hwang, M.Y., Rosenfeld, R.: The SPHINX-II Speech Recognition System: An Overview. Computer, Speech and Language 7, 137–148 (1992)Speech and Language Technology Group. Sumat: An online service for subtitling by machine translation (May 2012), http://www.sumat-project.euBroman, S., Kurimo, M.: Methods for combining language models in speech recognition. In: Proc. of Interspeech, pp. 1317–1320 (2005)Liu, X., Gales, M., Hieronymous, J., Woodland, P.: Use of contexts in language model interpolation and adaptation. In: Proc. of Interspeech (2009)Liu, X., Gales, M., Hieronymous, J., Woodland, P.: Language model combination and adaptation using weighted finite state transducers (2010)Goodman, J.T.: Putting it all together: Language model combination. In: Proc. of ICASSP, pp. 1647–1650 (2000)Lööf, J., Gollan, C., Hahn, S., Heigold, G., Hoffmeister, B., Plahl, C., Rybach, D., Schlüter, R., Ney, H.: The rwth 2007 tc-star evaluation system for european english and spanish. In: Proc. of Interspeech, pp. 2145–2148 (2007)Rybach, D., Gollan, C., Heigold, G., Hoffmeister, B., Lööf, J., Schlüter, R., Ney, H.: The rwth aachen university open source speech recognition system. In: Proc. of Interspeech, pp. 2111–2114 (2009)Stolcke, A.: SRILM - An Extensible Language Modeling Toolkit. In: Proc. of ICSLP (2002)Michel, J.B., et al.: Quantitative analysis of culture using millions of digitized books. Science 331(6014), 176–182Turro, C., Cañero, A., Busquets, J.: Video learning objects creation with polimedia. In: 2010 IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia (ISM), December 13-15, pp. 371–376 (2010)Barras, C., Geoffrois, E., Wu, Z., Liberman, M.: Transcriber: development and use of a tool for assisting speech corpora production. Speech Communication Special Issue on Speech Annotation and Corpus Tools 33(1-2) (2000)Apache. Apache felix (May 2012), http://felix.apache.org/site/index.htmlOsgi alliance. osgi r4 service platform (May 2012), http://www.osgi.org/Main/HomePageSahidullah, M., Saha, G.: Design, analysis and experimental evaluation of block based transformation in MFCC computation for speaker recognition 54(4), 543–565 (2012)Gascó, G., Rocha, M.-A., Sanchis-Trilles, G., Andrés-Ferrer, J., Casacuberta, F.: Does more data always yield better translations? In: Proc. of EACL, pp. 152–161 (2012)Sánchez-Cortina, I., Serrano, N., Sanchis, A., Juan, A.: A prototype for interactive speech transcription balancing error and supervision effort. In: Proc. of IUI, pp. 325–326 (2012

    Efficient Generation of High-Quality Multilingual Subtitles for Video Lecture Repositories

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-24258-3_44Video lectures are a valuable educational tool in higher education to support or replace face-to-face lectures in active learning strategies. In 2007 the Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV) implemented its video lecture capture system, resulting in a high quality educational video repository, called poliMedia, with more than 10.000 mini lectures created by 1.373 lecturers. Also, in the framework of the European project transLectures, UPV has automatically generated transcriptions and translations in Spanish, Catalan and English for all videos included in the poliMedia video repository. transLectures’s objective responds to the widely-recognised need for subtitles to be provided with video lectures, as an essential service for non-native speakers and hearing impaired persons, and to allow advanced repository functionalities. Although high-quality automatic transcriptions and translations were generated in transLectures, they were not error-free. For this reason, lecturers need to manually review video subtitles to guarantee the absence of errors. The aim of this study is to evaluate the efficiency of the manual review process from automatic subtitles in comparison with the conventional generation of video subtitles from scratch. The reported results clearly indicate the convenience of providing automatic subtitles as a first step in the generation of video subtitles and the significant savings in time of up to almost 75 % involved in reviewing subtitles.The research leading to these results has received funding fromthe European Union FP7/2007-2013 under grant agreement no 287755 (transLectures) and ICT PSP/2007-2013 under grant agreement no 621030 (EMMA), and the Spanish MINECO Active2Trans (TIN2012-31723) research project.Valor Miró, JD.; Silvestre Cerdà, JA.; Civera Saiz, J.; Turró Ribalta, C.; Juan Císcar, A. (2015). Efficient Generation of High-Quality Multilingual Subtitles for Video Lecture Repositories. En Design for Teaching and Learning in a Networked World. Springer Verlag (Germany). 485-490. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-24258-3_44S485490del-Agua, M.A., Giménez, A., Serrano, N., Andrés-Ferrer, J., Civera, J., Sanchis, A., Juan, A.: The translectures-UPV toolkit. In: Navarro Mesa, J.L., Ortega, A., Teixeira, A., Hernández Pérez, E., Quintana Morales, P., Ravelo García, A., Guerra Moreno, I., Toledano, D.T. (eds.) IberSPEECH 2014. LNCS, vol. 8854, pp. 269–278. Springer, Heidelberg (2014)Glass, J., et al.: Recent progress in the MIT spoken lecture processing project. In: Proceedings of Interspeech 2007, vol. 3, pp. 2553–2556 (2007)Koehn, P., et al.: Moses: open source toolkit for statistical machine translation. In: Proceedings of ACL, pp. 177–180 (2007)Munteanu, C., et al.: Improving ASR for lectures through transformation-based rules learned from minimal data. In: Proceedings of ACL-AFNLP, pp. 764–772 (2009)poliMedia: polimedia platform (2007). http://media.upv.es/Ross, T., Bell, P.: No significant difference only on the surface. Int. J. Instr. Technol. Distance Learn. 4(7), 3–13 (2007)Silvestre, J.A. et al.: Translectures. In: Proceedings of IberSPEECH 2012 (2012)Soong, S.K.A., Chan, L.K., Cheers, C., Hu, C.: Impact of video recorded lectures among students. In: Who’s Learning, pp. 789–793 (2006)Valor Miró, J.D., Pérez González de Martos, A., Civera, J., Juan, A.: Integrating a state-of-the-art ASR system into the opencast matterhorn platform. In: Torre Toledano, D., Ortega Giménez, A., Teixeira, A., González Rodríguez, J., Hernández Gómez, L., San Segundo Hernández, R., Ramos Castro, D. (eds.) IberSPEECH 2012. CCIS, vol. 328, pp. 237–246. Springer, Heidelberg (2012)Wald, M.: Creating accessible educational multimedia through editing automatic speech recognition captioning in real time. Inter. Technol. Smart Educ. 3(2), 131–141 (2006

    Evaluación de la revisión de transcripciones y traducciones automáticas de vídeos poliMedia

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    [ES] Los vídeos docentes son una herramienta de gran aceptación en el mundo universitario, que se integran en metodologías activas y innovadoras, dando pie a plataformas como poliMedia, plataforma de la Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV) que permite la creación, publicación y difusión de este tipo de contenido multimedia. En el marco del proyecto europeo transLectures, la UPV ha generado automáticamente transcripciones y traducciones en español, catalán e inglés para todos los vídeos incluidos en el repositorio poliMedia. Las transcripciones y traducciones automáticas generadas tienen una alta calidad. Sin embargo, estas transcripciones y traducciones poseen errores inherentes al proceso automático de subtitulado utilizado, por lo que en ocasiones puede ser necesaria una revisión manual posterior para garantizar la ausencia de errores. El objetivo de este trabajo es evaluar este proceso de revisión manual para poder compararlo en términos de coste temporal con un proceso de obtención completamente manual. Así pues, en el marco de las ayudas de la UPV de Docencia en Red 2013-2014, pusimos en marcha una campaña de evaluación del proceso de revisión de transcripciones y traducciones automáticas por parte del profesorado, cuyos resultados indican inequívocamente la eficacia de estas técnicas y el importante ahorro de tiempo que suponen.The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union FP7/2007- 2013 under grant agreement no 287755 (transLectures) and ICT PSP/2007-2013 under grant agreement no 621030 (EMMA), and the Spanish MINECO Active2Trans (TIN2012-31723) research project.Valor Miró, JD.; Turró Ribalta, C.; Civera Saiz, J.; Juan Císcar, A. (2015). Evaluación de la revisión de transcripciones y traducciones automáticas de vídeos poliMedia. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/INRED2015.2015.1574

    Multilingual videos for MOOCs and OER

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    [EN] Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) and Open Educational Resources (OER) are rapidly growing, but are not usually offered in multiple languages due to the lack of cost-effective solutions to translate the different objects comprising them and particularly videos. However, current state-of-the-art automatic speech recognition (ASR) and machine translation (MT) techniques have reached a level of maturity which opens the possibility of producing multilingual video subtitles of publishable quality at low cost. This work summarizes authors' experience in exploring this possibility in two real-life case studies: a MOOC platform and a large video lecture repository. Apart from describing the systems, tools and integration components employed for such purpose, a comprehensive evaluation of the results achieved is provided in terms of quality and efficiency. More precisely, it is shown that draft multilingual subtitles produced by domainadapted ASR/MT systems reach a level of accuracy that make them worth post-editing, instead of generating them ex novo, saving approximately 25%-75% of the time. Finally, the results reported on user multilingual data consumption reflect that multilingual subtitles have had a very positive impact in our case studies boosting student enrolment, in the case of the MOOC platform, by 70% relative.The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement no. 287755 (transLectures) and from the EU's ICT Policy Support Programme as part of the Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme under grant agreement no. 621030 (EMMA). Additionally, it is supported by the Spanish research project TIN2015-68326-R (MINECO/FEDER).Valor Miró, JD.; Baquero-Arnal, P.; Civera Saiz, J.; Turró Ribalta, C.; Juan, A. (2018). Multilingual videos for MOOCs and OER. Educational Technology & Society. 21(2):1-12. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/122577S11221

    MLLP Transcription and Translation Platform

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    This paper briefly presents the main features of MLLP s Transcription and Translation Platform, which uses state-of-the-art automatic speech recognition and machine translation systems to generate multilingual subtitles of educational audiovisual and textual content. It has proven to reduce user effort up to 1/3 of the time needed to generate transcriptions and translations from the scratch.Pérez González De Martos, AM.; Silvestre Cerdà, JA.; Valor Miró, JD.; Civera Saiz, J.; Juan Císcar, A. (2015). MLLP Transcription and Translation Platform. Springer. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/65747

    Evaluación del proceso de revisión de transcripciones automáticas para vídeos Polimedia

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    [EN] Video lectures are a tool of proven value and wide acceptance in universities that are leading to platforms like poliMedia. transLectures is a European project that generates automatic high-quality transcriptions and translations for the poliMedia platform, and improve them by using massive adaptation and intelligent interaction techniques. In this paper we present the evaluation with lecturers carried out under the Doc`encia en Xarxa 2012-2013 call, with the aim to study the process of supervise transcriptions, compared with to transcribe from scratch.[ES] Los vídeos docentes son una herramienta de demostrada utilidad y gran aceptación en el mundo universitario que están dando lugar a plataformas como poliMedia. transLectures es un proyecto europeo que genera transcripciones y traducciones autom´aticas de alta calidad para la plataforma poliMedia, mediante t´ecnicas de adaptaci´on masiva e interacci´on inteligente. En este art´ıculo presentamos la evaluaci´on con profesores que se realiz´o en el marco de Doc`encia en Xarxa 2012-2013, con el objetivo de estudiar el proceso de supervisi´on de transcripciones, compar´andolo con la obtenci´on de la transcripci´on sin disponer de una transcripci´on autom´atica previa.*The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement no. 287755.Valor Miró, JD.; Nadine Spencer, R.; Pérez González De Martos, AM.; Garcés Díaz-Munío, GV.; Turró Ribalta, C.; Civera Saiz, J.; Juan, A. (2014). Evaluación del proceso de revisión de transcripciones automáticas para vídeos Polimedia. En Jornadas de Innovación Educativa y Docencia en Red de la Universitat Politècnica de València. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 272-278. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/54397S27227